
Contributors : Jeremy, Moon and Pyae

Is independent internet access a human right?

🔴 How is the internet related to Human Rights?

Human rights are rights that a person has from birth to death regardless of gender, race, religion or languages. Every right is a must to be maintained and not to be violated under any circumstances. It is also enshrined in the European Convention to protect the rights and freedoms of Internet users. Freedom of speech and expression, access to information, the right to protection from misusing our personal data and cybercrime are just some of the Internet rights that every internet user has.

🔴 Is Internet access a human right?

We would like to explain this common question based on three points.

✔️ The state has the responsibility to formulate Internet policies to ensure that the Internet is accessible to all and people have the freedom of speech, expression.

✔️ Today, the Internet is an essential medium for expressing opinions of individuals. Indeed, it can be considered as the reflection of the standard of a person and the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online.

✔️ However, international law of human rights states that there should be some restrictions on the flow of information on the Internet due to the increasing number of fake news and manipulation especially on social media.

🔴 Therefore, to have access to the Internet is definitely a universal human right. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, both youths and adults can learn through online education, get involved in social works and do business all because of the Internet. Needless to say, the Internet is a necessity in all walks of life. Hence, we strongly urge young people to make the most of their personal rights on the Internet.

#YIGF #YIGFMyanmar #HumanRights #FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfExpression, #AccessToInformation #RightToProtection